模块:npm install ws
use RatchetServerIoServer;
use RatchetHttpHttpServer;
use RatchetWebSocketWsServer;
use MyAppChat;
require dirname(__DIR__) . ‘/vendor/autoload.php’;
class Chat implements RatchetMessageComponentInterface {
protected $clients;
public function __construct() {
$this>clients = new SplObjectStorage;
public function onOpen(RatchetConnectionInterface $conn) {
echo "New connection! ({$conn>resourceId})
public function onMessage(RatchetConnectionInterface $from, $msg) {
foreach ($this>clients as $client) {
if ($from !== $client) {
public function onClose(RatchetConnectionInterface $conn) {
echo "Connection {$conn>resourceId} has disconnected
public function onError(RatchetConnectionInterface $conn, Exception $e) {
echo "An error has occurred: {$e>getMessage()}
$server = IoServer::factory(new HttpServer(new WsServer(new Chat())), 8080);
const socket = io(‘http://localhost:8080’); // Connect to WebSocket server running on port 8080
const chat = document.getElementById(‘chat’); // Get the chat element in HTML page
const messageInput = document.getElementById(‘message’); // Get the input element for messages in HTML page
let messages = []; // Array to store messages received from server and sent by user
socket.on(‘message’, function(msg) { // Listen for messages from server or other clients connected to the same WebSocket server instance
const messageElement = document.createElement(‘p’); // Create a new paragraph element for each message received or sent by user or server
messageElement.innerText = msg; // Set the text content of the paragraph element to the received or sent message text content
chat.appendChild(messageElement); // Append the newly created paragraph element to the chat element in HTML page, effectively displaying it to the user in realtime chat interface formatted as a list of messages with each message displayed in its own paragraph element within the chat element in HTML page layout and design style defined by CSS styles applied to the chat element in HTML page markup code above this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server instance specified by URL ‘http://localhost:8080’ in this script block of code above this comment line explaining purpose and functionality of this script block of code defining event listener functions for various events related to WebSocket communication between clientside JavaScript code running in web browser and serverside PHP code running on WebSocket server instance accessible via WebSocket protocol over network connection established between client device running web browser and server hosting WebSocket server实例。
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