
Hello, everyone. today I’m going to talk about how to view system time in linux.


In Linux, there are several ways to view the system time. For example, You can use the “`date“` command to display the system time. Additionally, there are several ways to set the system time. One of them is using the “`hwclock“` command.

To view system time in Linux, you can run the following command:


This will display the current date and time. If you want to see the date in a specific format, you can use the following command:

“`date +”%dth%b %Y – %H:%M:%S“`

It will display the date in the format of “Day Month Year – Hour:Minute:Second”.

Now, let’s move on to setting the system time. For this, you can use the “`hwclock“` command. To set the system time to the current date, you can use the following command:

“`sudo hwclock –set –date=”11 5 2018 11:30:00“`

This command will set the system date to 11th May 2018 11:30:00.

You can also use the “`hwclock -w“` command to save the date and time in the hardware clock. This command will save the current system date and time into the hardware clock, which is more reliable than the system clock.

In Linux, there are many other ways to view and set the system time. You can use the “`timedatectl“` command to view and set the timezone, or you can use the “`ntpdate“` command to synchronize the system clock with a network time server.

I hope you learned something new about managing system time in Linux. Have a great day!





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