class Card(): """ A playing card. """ RANKS=["A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"] #牌面数字1-13 SUITS=["梅","方","红","黑"] #梅为梅花,方为方钻,红为红心,黑为黑桃 def __init__(self,rank,suit,face_up=True): self.rank=rank #指的是牌面数字1-13 self.suit=suit #suit指的是花色 self.is_face_up=face_up #是否显示牌正面,True为正面,False为牌背面 def __str__(self): #print() if self.is_face_up: rep=self.suit+self.rank #+" "+str(self.pic_order()) else: rep="XX" return rep def flip(self): #翻牌方法 self.is_face_up=not self.is_face_up def pic_order(self): #牌的顺序号 if self.rank=="A": FaceNum=1 elif self.rank=="J": FaceNum=11 elif self.rank=="Q": FaceNum=12 elif self.rank=="K": FaceNum=13 else: FaceNum=int(self.rank) if self.suit=="梅": Suit=1 elif self.suit=="方": Suit=2 elif self.suit=="红": Suit=3 else: Suit=4 return (Suit-1)*13+FaceNum class Hand( ): """ A hand of playing cards. """ def __init__(self): self.cards=[] def __str__(self): if self.cards: rep="" for card in self.cards: rep+=str(card)+"\t" else: rep="无牌" return rep def clear(self): self.cards=[] def add(self,card): self.cards.append(card) def give(self,card,other_hand): self.cards.remove(card) other_hand.add(card) class Poke(Hand): """ A deck of playing cards. """ def populate(self): #生成一副牌 for suit in Card.SUITS: for rank in Card.RANKS: self.add(Card(rank,suit)) def shuffle(self): #洗牌 import random random.shuffle(self.cards) #打乱牌的顺序 def deal(self,hands,per_hand=13): for rounds in range(per_hand): for hand in hands: top_card=self.cards[0] self.cards.remove(top_card) hand.add(top_card) if __name__=="__main__": print("This is a module with classed for playing cards.") #四个玩家 players=[Hand(),Hand(),Hand(),Hand()] poke1=Poke() poke1.populate() #生成一副牌 poke1.shuffle() #洗牌 poke1.deal(players,13) #发给玩家每人13张 #显示四位牌手的牌 n=1 for hand in players: print("牌手",n,end=":") print(hand) n=n+1 input("\nPress the enter key to exit.")
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