此文章主要向大家介绍的是DB2数据复制与迁移的实际操作方法的描述,本文的方法是经过测试后的,在环境IBM x346,3.2G×2,4G,RAID 1,DB2 V8.2.4,Win2000 Adv Server,DMS表空间中,数据的load速度在60-100万条/min左右。
1. 通过db2控制台(db2cc)选中源数据库中的所有表,将其导出成DDL脚本;
2. 根据需要对脚本进行必要的修改,譬如更改表空间为GATHER;
3. 新建数据库,新建DMS表空间:GATHER;
4. 将DDL脚本在此数据库中执行;
5. 编写代码查询源数据库中的所有表,自动生成export脚本;
6. 编写代码查询源数据库中的所有表,自动生成import脚本;
7. 连接源数据库执行export脚本;
8. 连接目标DB2数据复制执行import脚本;
- * 创建导出脚本
- * @param conn
- * @param creator 表创建者
- * @param filePath
- */
- public void createExportFile(Connection conn,String creator,String filePath) throws Exception {
- DBBase dbBase = new DBBase(conn);
- String selectTableSql = "select name from sysibm.systables where creator = '" + creator + "' and type='T'";
- try {
- dbBase.executeQuery(selectTableSql);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- throw ex;
- } finally {
- dbBase.close();
- }
- DBResult result = dbBase.getSelectDBResult();
- List list = new ArrayList();
- while (result.next()) {
- String table = result.getString(1);
- list.add(table);
- }
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- String enterFlag = "\r\n";
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size();i++)
- String tableName = (String)list.get(i);
- sb.append("db2 \"export to aa" + String.valueOf(i+1)+ ".ixf of ixf select * from " + tableName + "\"");
- sb.append(enterFlag);
- }
- String str = sb.toString();
- FileUtility.saveStringToFile(filePath, str, false);
- }
- * 创建装载脚本
- * @param conn
- * @param creator 表创建者
- * @param filePath
- */
- public void createLoadFile(Connection conn,String creator,String filePath) throws Exception {
- DBBase dbBase = new DBBase(conn);
- String selectTableSql = "select name from sysibm.systables where creator = '" + creator + "' and type='T'";
- try {
- dbBase.executeQuery(selectTableSql);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- throw ex;
- } finally {
- dbBase.close();
- }
- DBResult result = dbBase.getSelectDBResult();
- List list = new ArrayList();
- while (result.next()) {
- String table = result.getString(1);
- list.add(table);
- }
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- String enterFlag = "\r\n";
- for (int i = 0; i < list.size();i++) {
- String tableName = (String)list.get(i);
- sb.append("db2 \"load from aa" + String.valueOf(i+1)+ ".ixf of ixf into " + tableName + " COPY NO without prompting \"");
- sb.append(enterFlag);
- }
- String str = sb.toString();
- FileUtility.saveStringToFile(filePath, str, false);
- }
附录3:export脚本示例db2 connect to testdb user test password test
- db2 "export to aa1.ixf of ixf select * from table1"
- db2 "export to aa2.ixf of ixf select * from table2"
- db2 connect reset
附录4:import脚本示例db2 connect to testdb user test password test
- db2 "load from aa1.ixf of ixf replace into table1 COPY NO without prompting "
- db2 "load from aa2.ixf of ixf replace into table2 COPY NO without prompting "
- db2 connect reset
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