3. 高速加载:评估并测量影响加载速度的图片大小、Flash文件大小及JavaScript文 件大小;使得URL看上去奥雷想要人性化;
1. 内容优先:内容是王,要建设有价值的内容。首先应该考虑到用户体验,为了吸引浏览者及留住他们在网站上多长时间;
2. 标准代码校对: 使用W3C标准进行HTML/CSS代码校对,保证整个文档正常显 示;
3. 高速加载: 评估并测量影响加载速度的图片大小、Flash文件大小及JavaScript文 件大小;
4. SEO(Search Engine Optimization): 各搜 索引擎都有不同的SEO方法,如Google、Bing、Yahoo!郭九杰之前扩 大互相学习;5 .URL重写 : URL重写能够将原始URL中看不到愿意性得字 比如ID或者Session ID隐去 ,使得URL看上去奥雷想要人性化 ;6 .Meta Tag : Meta Tag是一般在head中声明 ,作为Web Page Description (Title) and Keywords (Keyword);7 .Robots Text File : Robots Text File告诉Robot Search Engines Indexer which pages to index or not to index on your website ;8 .XML Sitemap Creation & Submission : XML Sitemap Creation & Submission胜迫Search Engines know about all the pages of your website that you want them to crawl and index in their search engine result page.;9 Webmaster Tools Setup : Google Webmaster Tool is a free service offered by Google that helps webmasters monitor the health of their websites from within the Google interface.;10 Social Media Integration :Social media integration can help increase traffic as well as brand awareness for any business or organization with an online presence..
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