
这是JSR 336 公开评审投票的最终结果,Java SE/EE 执行委员会已经通过了此次投票结果。共 16 家公司参与投票,只有 Google 一家反对,投票通过。



根据投票的记录以及各自发布的评论发现,多数厂家投支持票是因为支持 Java 7 在技术方面的成就,但对其授权许可都颇有微词。下文是Google投反对票的原因以及发表的评论,原文如下

While Google supports the technical content of this JSR, we are voting no because of its licensing terms. As per the JCP resolutions of 9/25/2007 and 4/7/2009, "TCK licenses must not be used to discriminate against or restrict compatible implementations of Java specifications by including field-of-use restrictions on the tested implementations. Licenses containing such limitations do not meet the requirements of the JSPA, and violate the expectations of the Java community that JCP specs can be openly implemented."

The proposed license clearly violates this requirement (see Exhibit A, Section II). Oracle was duly reminded of this when JSR-336 was first proposed, but has done nothing to address the issue. It would be wrong to condone the inclusion of field-of-use restrictions in a TCK license, as this clearly violates the JSPA, by Oracle's own admission. Google does not want to slow the progress of this release, but we do believe it is critical that this issued be addressed, in order to comply with the JSPA and to preserve the openness of the Java platform.



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