Python 程序:检查字符是否小写



用一个实例编写一个 Python 程序来检查字符是否小写。

Python 程序使用 islower 函数检查字符是否为小写

在这个 Python 示例中,我们使用 islower 字符串函数来检查给定字符是否为小写。

# Python Program to check character is Lowercase or not
ch = input("Please Enter Your Own Character : ")

    print("The Given Character ", ch, "is a Lowercase Alphabet")
    print("The Given Character ", ch, "is Not a Lowercase Alphabet")
Please Enter Your Own Character : k
The Given Character  k is a Lowercase Alphabet
Please Enter Your Own Character : R
The Given Character  R is Not a Lowercase Alphabet

Python 程序查找字符是否小写

这个 python 程序允许用户输入任何字符。接下来,我们使用 If Else 语句来检查用户给定的字符是否是小写的。这里, If 语句检查字符是否大于等于小 a,小于等于 z,如果是 TRUE,则小写。否则,它不是小写字符。

ch = input("Please Enter Your Own Character : ")

if(ch >= 'a' and ch <= 'z'):
    print("The Given Character ", ch, "is a Lowercase Alphabet")
    print("The Given Character ", ch, "is Not a Lowercase Alphabet")
Please Enter Your Own Character : w
The Given Character  w is a Lowercase Alphabet
Please Enter Your Own Character : Q
The Given Character  Q is Not a Lowercase Alphabet

Python 程序使用 ASCII 值验证字符是否为小写

在这个 Python 例子中,我们使用 ASCII 值来检查字符是否小写。

ch = input("Please Enter Your Own Character : ")

if(ord(ch) >= 97 and ord(ch) <= 122):
    print("The Given Character ", ch, "is a Lowercase Alphabet")
    print("The Given Character ", ch, "is Not a Lowercase Alphabet")

当前标题:Python 程序:检查字符是否小写



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