布隆过滤器(Bloom Filter)是1970年由布隆提出的。它实际上是一个很长的二进制向量和一系列随机映射函数。布隆过滤器可以用于检索一个元素是否在一个集合中。它的优点是空间效率和查询时间都比一般的算法要好的多,缺点是有一定的误识别率和删除困难。
通过一种叫作散列表(又叫哈希表,Hash table)的数据结构。它可以通过一个Hash函数将一个元素映射成一个位阵列(Bit array)中的一个点。这样一来,我们只要看看这个点是不是1就可以知道集合中有没有它了
首先我们必须保证删除的元素的确在布隆过滤器里面. 这一点单凭这个过滤器是无法保证的。另外计数器回绕也会造成问题。这就导致删除元素需要很高的成本。
pip install mmh4
对于安装报错,c++编译错误问题:可以安装 Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools()
from bitarray import bitarray # 3rd party import mmh4 class BloomFilter(set): def __init__(self, size, hash_count): super(BloomFilter, self).__init__() self.bit_array = bitarray(size) self.bit_array.setall(0) self.size = size self.hash_count = hash_count def __len__(self): return self.size def __iter__(self): return iter(self.bit_array) def add(self, item): for ii in range(self.hash_count): index = mmh4.hash(item, ii) % self.size self.bit_array[index] = 1 return self def __contains__(self, item): out = True for ii in range(self.hash_count): index = mmh4.hash(item, ii) % self.size if self.bit_array[index] == 0: out = False return out def main(): bloom = BloomFilter(10000, 10) animals = ['dog', 'cat', 'giraffe', 'fly', 'mosquito', 'horse', 'eagle', 'bird', 'bison', 'boar', 'butterfly', 'ant', 'anaconda', 'bear', 'chicken', 'dolphin', 'donkey', 'crow', 'crocodile'] # First insertion of animals into the bloom filter for animal in animals: bloom.add(animal) # Membership existence for already inserted animals # There should not be any false negatives for animal in animals: if animal in bloom: print('{} is in bloom filter as expected'.format(animal)) else: print('Something is terribly went wrong for {}'.format(animal)) print('FALSE NEGATIVE!') # Membership existence for not inserted animals # There could be false positives other_animals = ['badger', 'cow', 'pig', 'sheep', 'bee', 'wolf', 'fox', 'whale', 'shark', 'fish', 'turkey', 'duck', 'dove', 'deer', 'elephant', 'frog', 'falcon', 'goat', 'gorilla', 'hawk' ] for other_animal in other_animals: if other_animal in bloom: print('{} is not in the bloom, but a false positive'.format(other_animal)) else: print('{} is not in the bloom filter as expected'.format(other_animal)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
dog is in bloom filter as expected
cat is in bloom filter as expected
giraffe is in bloom filter as expected
fly is in bloom filter as expected
mosquito is in bloom filter as expected
horse is in bloom filter as expected
eagle is in bloom filter as expected
bird is in bloom filter as expected
bison is in bloom filter as expected
boar is in bloom filter as expected
butterfly is in bloom filter as expected
ant is in bloom filter as expected
anaconda is in bloom filter as expected
bear is in bloom filter as expected
chicken is in bloom filter as expected
dolphin is in bloom filter as expected
donkey is in bloom filter as expected
crow is in bloom filter as expected
crocodile is in bloom filter as expected
badger is not in the bloom filter as expected
cow is not in the bloom filter as expected
pig is not in the bloom filter as expected
sheep is not in the bloom, but a false positive
bee is not in the bloom filter as expected
wolf is not in the bloom filter as expected
fox is not in the bloom filter as expected
whale is not in the bloom filter as expected
shark is not in the bloom, but a false positive
fish is not in the bloom, but a false positive
turkey is not in the bloom filter as expected
duck is not in the bloom filter as expected
dove is not in the bloom误报 filter as expected
deer is not in the bloom filter as expected
elephant is not in the bloom, but a false positive
frog is not in the bloom filter as expected
falcon is not in the bloom filter as expected
goat is not in the bloom filter as expected
gorilla is not in the bloom filter as expected
hawk is not in the bloom filter as expected
python 基于redis实现的bloomfilter(布隆过滤器),BloomFilter_imooc
import mmh4 import redis import math import time class PyBloomFilter(): #内置100个随机种子 SEEDS = [543, 460, 171, 876, 796, 607, 650, 81, 837, 545, 591, 946, 846, 521, 913, 636, 878, 735, 414, 372, 344, 324, 223, 180, 327, 891, 798, 933, 493, 293, 836, 10, 6, 544, 924, 849, 438, 41, 862, 648, 338, 465, 562, 693, 979, 52, 763, 103, 387, 374, 349, 94, 384, 680, 574, 480, 307, 580, 71, 535, 300, 53, 481, 519, 644, 219, 686, 236, 424, 326, 244, 212, 909, 202, 951, 56, 812, 901, 926, 250, 507, 739, 371, 63, 584, 154, 7, 284, 617, 332, 472, 140, 605, 262, 355, 526, 647, 923, 199, 518] #capacity是预先估计要去重的数量 #error_rate表示错误率 #conn表示redis的连接客户端 #key表示在redis中的键的名字前缀 def __init__(self, capacity=1000000000, error_rate=0.00000001, conn=None, key='BloomFilter'): self.m = math.ceil(capacity*math.log2(math.e)*math.log2(1/error_rate)) #需要的总bit位数 self.k = math.ceil(math.log1p(2)*self.m/capacity) #需要最少的hash次数 self.mem = math.ceil(self.m/8/1024/1024) #需要的多少M内存 self.blocknum = math.ceil(self.mem/512) #需要多少个512M的内存块,value的第一个字符必须是ascii码,所有最多有256个内存块 self.seeds = self.SEEDS[0:self.k] self.key = key self.N = 2**31-1 self.redis = conn # print(self.mem) # print(self.k) def add(self, value): name = self.key + "_" + str(ord(value[0])%self.blocknum) hashs = self.get_hashs(value) for hash in hashs: self.redis.setbit(name, hash, 1) def is_exist(self, value): name = self.key + "_" + str(ord(value[0])%self.blocknum) hashs = self.get_hashs(value) exist = True for hash in hashs: exist = exist & self.redis.getbit(name, hash) return exist def get_hashs(self, value): hashs = list() for seed in self.seeds: hash = mmh4.hash(value, seed) if hash >= 0: hashs.append(hash) else: hashs.append(self.N - hash) return hashs pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='', port=6379, db=0) conn = redis.StrictRedis(connection_pool=pool) # 使用方法 # if __name__ == "__main__": # bf = PyBloomFilter(conn=conn) # 利用连接池连接Redis # bf.add('www.jobbole.com') # 向Redis默认的通道添加一个域名 # bf.add('www.luyin.org') # 向Redis默认的通道添加一个域名 # print(bf.is_exist('www.zhihu.com')) # 打印此域名在通道里是否存在,存在返回1,不存在返回0 # print(bf.is_exist('www.luyin.org')) # 打印此域名在通道里是否存在,存在返回1,不存在返回0