| Wrong Value In Accounting Of Wip Completion Return Transaction (文档 ID 1101430.1) | In this Document 创新互联专注于企业营销型网站、网站重做改版、汉阴网站定制设计、自适应品牌网站建设、html5、商城网站制作、集团公司官网建设、成都外贸网站制作、高端网站制作、响应式网页设计等建站业务,价格优惠性价比高,为汉阴等各大城市提供网站开发制作服务。
Applies to:Oracle Cost Management - Version 12.1.1 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform. ***Checked for relevance on 03-JUN-2013*** SymptomsOn : 12.1.1 version, Costing Transaction Errors CauseIn this case, the txn id of completion is larger than return
txn. So, in processing return txn, the prior completion qty was zero.
That made the return value so big and hit variance account for the
discrepancy btw returned value and reduced inventory value. SolutionTo implement the solution, please execute the following steps: 2. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying the recommended patch. 本文题目:WIPCompletionReturnWrongvalue-创新互联 文章路径:http://csdahua.cn/article/dodeep.html 扫二维码与项目经理沟通我们在微信上24小时期待你的声音 解答本文疑问/技术咨询/运营咨询/技术建议/互联网交流 |