本篇文章为大家展示了深入浅析PHP 中的 config.m4,内容简明扼要并且容易理解,绝对能使你眼前一亮,通过这篇文章的详细介绍希望你能有所收获。
最近在看php扩展相关的东西,虽然来来回回编辑了好多次config.m4,并且也在技术社区看到了 config.m4是什么?什么作用?
.m4后缀的文件一般被当做 通用的宏处理,来看下官方的介绍:
GNU M4 is an implementation of the traditional Unix macro processor. It is mostly SVR4 compatible although it has some extensions (for example, handling more than 9 positional parameters to macros). GNU M4 also has built-in functions for including files, running shell commands, doing arithmetic, etc.
GNU M4 is a macro processor in the sense that it copies its input to the output expanding macros as it goes. Macros are either builtin or user-defined and can take any number of arguments. Besides just doing macro expansion, m4 has builtin functions for including named files, running UNIX commands, doing integer arithmetic, manipulating text in various ways, recursion etc... m4 can be used either as a front-end to a compiler or as a macro processor in its own right.
One of the biggest users of GNU M4 is the GNU Autoconf project.
简单而通俗易懂的翻译下:GNU M4是传统UNIX宏处理器的一种实现方式,它还具有一些内置功能,包括文件,shell,运算等。
GNU M4的大用户之一是GNU AutoCOF项目。
到这里大致了解到,它是作为一个宏处理器,然后再想想PHP扩展里面用到它做了什么,先看看 php源码扩展目录ext中 bcmath 中的代码:
dnl dnl $Id$ dnl PHP_ARG_ENABLE(bcmath, whether to enable bc style precision math functions, [ --enable-bcmath Enable bc style precision math functions]) if test "$PHP_BCMATH" != "no"; then PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(bcmath, bcmath.c \ libbcmath/src/add.c libbcmath/src/div.c libbcmath/src/init.c libbcmath/src/neg.c libbcmath/src/outofmem.c libbcmath/src/raisemod.c libbcmath/src/rt.c libbcmath/src/sub.c \ libbcmath/src/compare.c libbcmath/src/divmod.c libbcmath/src/int2num.c libbcmath/src/num2long.c libbcmath/src/output.c libbcmath/src/recmul.c \ libbcmath/src/sqrt.c libbcmath/src/zero.c libbcmath/src/debug.c libbcmath/src/doaddsub.c libbcmath/src/nearzero.c libbcmath/src/num2str.c libbcmath/src/raise.c \ libbcmath/src/rmzero.c libbcmath/src/str2num.c, $ext_shared,,-I@ext_srcdir@/libbcmath/src) PHP_ADD_BUILD_DIR($ext_builddir/libbcmath/src) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BCMATH, 1, [Whether you have bcmath]) fi