10余年建站经验, 做网站、成都网站建设客户的见证与正确选择。创新互联公司提供完善的营销型网页建站明细报价表。后期开发更加便捷高效,我们致力于追求更美、更快、更规范。
提到开源,一定绕不开Linux。Linux 是一款开源软件,我们可以随意浏览和修改它的源代码,学习 Linux,不得不谈到开源精神。Linux 本身就是开源精神的受益者,它几乎是全球最大的开源软件。
但是大家主要这里面没有提供收费与免费的开源,而是对代码的修改不做限制,所以 开源代码我个人用一句白话的理解就是:可以二次开发,没有商业限制。
进入正题,揭开神秘面纱: 来客推电商源码
我也是亲身购买、使用后才给大家推荐的,可以去联系和我对接的那个客服。90后,技术出身,聊起来容易理解,不至于鸡同鸭讲,三两句能说清楚的需求绝对废话! 15205564163,这个是他的电话/微信 ,代号 章鱼
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+// | This file is part of the core package. |// | Copyright (c) laiketui.com |// | |// | For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE |// | file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the |// | LICENSE file online at http://www.laiketui.com |// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+/*** BasicSecurityUser will handle any type of data as a credential.** @package laiketui* @subpackage user** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/class BasicSecurityUser extends SecurityUser{// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+// | CONSTANTS |// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+/*** The namespace under which authenticated status will be stored.*/const AUTH_NAMESPACE = 'org/mojavi/user/BasicSecurityUser/authenticated' ;/*** The namespace under which credentials will be stored.*/const CREDENTIAL_NAMESPACE = 'org/mojavi/user/BasicSecurityUser/credentials' ;// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+// | PRIVATE VARIABLES |// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+private$authenticated = null ,$credentials = null ;// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+// | METHODS |// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+/*** Add a credential to this user.** @param mixed Credential data.** @return void** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/public function addCredential ( $credential ){if ( ! in_array ( $credential , $this -> credentials )){$this -> credentials [] = $credential ;}}// -------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Clear all credentials associated with this user.** @return void** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/public function clearCredentials (){$this -> credentials = null ;$this -> credentials = array ();}// -------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Indicates whether or not this user has a credential.** @param mixed Credential data.** @return bool true, if this user has the credential, otherwise false.** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/public function hasCredential ( $credential ){return ( in_array ( $credential , $this -> credentials ));}// -------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Initialize this User.** @param Context A Context instance.* @param array An associative array of initialization parameters.** @return bool true, if initialization completes successfully, otherwise* false.** @throws InitializationException If an error occurs while* initializing this User.** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/public function initialize ( $context , $parameters = null ){// initialize parentparent :: initialize ( $context , $parameters );// read data from storage$storage = $this -> getContext () -> getStorage ();$this -> authenticated = $storage -> read ( self :: AUTH_NAMESPACE );$this -> credentials = $storage -> read ( self :: CREDENTIAL_NAMESPACE );if ( $this -> authenticated == null ){// initialize our data$this -> authenticated = false ;$this -> credentials = array ();}}// -------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Indicates whether or not this user is authenticated.** @return bool true, if this user is authenticated, otherwise false.** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/public function isAuthenticated (){return $this -> authenticated ;}// -------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Remove a credential from this user.** @param mixed Credential data.** @return void** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/public function removeCredential ( $credential ){if ( $this -> hasCredential ( $credential )){// we have the credential, now we have to find it// let's not foreach here and do exact instance checks// for future safetyfor ( $i = 0 , $z = count ( $this -> credentials ); $i < $z ; $i ++ ){if ( $credential == $this -> credentials [ $i ]){// found it, let's nuke itunset ( $this -> credentials [ $i ]);return ;}}}}// -------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Set the authenticated status of this user.** @param bool A flag indicating the authenticated status of this user.** @return void** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/public function setAuthenticated ( $authenticated ){if ( $authenticated === true ){$this -> authenticated = true ;return ;}$this -> authenticated = false ;}// -------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Execute the shutdown procedure.** @return void** @author ketter (ketter@laiketui.com)* @since 3.0.0*/public function shutdown (){$storage = $this -> getContext ()-> getStorage ();// write credentials to the storage$storage -> write ( self :: AUTH_NAMESPACE , $this -> authenticated );$storage -> write ( self :: CREDENTIAL_NAMESPACE , $this -> credentials );// call the parent shutdown methodparent :: shutdown ();}}?>以上是开源版本中 open/ app/ LaiKeTui / user /BasicSecurityUser.class.php
最后再推荐下为我们服务客服小哥的微信/电话: 15205564163 章鱼