


  1. 创建SP


  1. create procedure sp_maintain_partion_fg (

  2. @tableName varchar(50),

  3. @inputdate datetime

  4. )

  5. as begin

  6. declare

  7. @fileGroupName varchar(50),

  8. @ndfName varchar(50),

  9. @newNameStr varchar(50),

  10. @fullPath varchar(50),

  11. @newDay varchar(50),

  12. @oldDay datetime,

  13. @partFunName varchar(50),

  14. @schemeName varchar(50),

  15. @sqlstr varchar(1000),

  16. @sql1 varchar(4000)

  17. --set @tableName='DYDB'

  18. set @newDay=CONVERT(varchar(10),DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,@inputdate), 0), 23 )--CONVERT(varchar(100), @inputdate, 23)--23:按天 114:按时间

  19. set @oldDay=cast(CONVERT(varchar(10),DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,@inputdate)-1, 0), 112 ) as datetime)

  20. set @newNameStr=left(Replace(Replace(@newDay,':','_'),'-','_'),7)

  21. set @fileGroupName=N'G'+@newNameStr

  22. set @ndfName=N'F'+@newNameStr+''

  23. set @fullPath=N'F:\\SQLData\\ecodata\\'+@ndfName+'.ndf'

  24. set @partFunName=N'pf_Time'

  25. set @schemeName=N'ps_Time'

  26. --print @fullPath

  27. --print @fileGroupName

  28. --print @ndfName

  29. --创建文件组

  30. if exists(select * from sys.filegroups where name=@fileGroupName)

  31. begin

  32. print '文件组存在,不需添加'

  33. end

  34. else

  35. begin

  36. exec('ALTER DATABASE '+@tableName+' ADD FILEGROUP ['+@fileGroupName+']')

  37. --print 'exec '+('ALTER DATABASE '+@tableName+' ADD FILEGROUP ['+@fileGroupName+']')

  38. print '新增文件组'

  39. if exists(select * from sys.partition_schemes where name =@schemeName)

  40. begin

  41. exec('alter partition scheme '+@schemeName+'  next used ['+@fileGroupName+']')

  42. --print 'exec '+('alter partition scheme '+@schemeName+'  next used ['+@fileGroupName+']')

  43. print '修改分区方案'

  44. end

  45. print 'exec '+('alter partition scheme '+@schemeName+'  next used ['+@fileGroupName+']')

  46. print '修改分区方案'

  47. if exists(select * from sys.partition_range_values where function_id=(select function_id from

  48. sys.partition_functions where name =@partFunName) and value=@oldDay)

  49. begin

  50. exec('alter partition function  '+@partFunName+'() split range('''+@newDay+''')')

  51. --print 'exec '+('alter partition function  '+@partFunName+'() split range('''+@newDay+''')')

  52. print '修改分区函数'

  53. end

  54. end

  55. --创建NDF文件

  56. if exists(select * from sys.database_files where [state]=0 and (name=@ndfName or physical_name=@fullPath))

  57. begin

  58. print 'ndf文件存在,不需添加'

  59. end

  60. else

  61. begin

  62. exec('ALTER DATABASE '+@tableName+' ADD FILE (NAME ='+@ndfName+',FILENAME = '''+@fullPath+''')TO FILEGROUP ['+@fileGroupName+']')

  63. print 'ALTER DATABASE '+@tableName+' ADD FILE (NAME ='+@ndfName+',FILENAME = '''+@fullPath+''')TO FILEGROUP ['+@fileGroupName+']'

  64. print '新创建ndf文件'

  65. end

  66. --/*--------------------以上创建数据库的文件组和物理文件------------------------*/

  67. end

  68. ----分区函数

  69. --if exists(select * from sys.partition_functions where name =@partFunName)

  70. --begin

  71. --print '此处修改需要在修改分区函数之前执行'

  72. --end

  73. --else

  74. --begin

  75. --exec('CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION '+@partFunName+'(DateTime)AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('''+@newDay+''')')

  76. ----print 'CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION '+@partFunName+'(DateTime)AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('''+@newDay+''')'

  77. --print '新创建分区函数'

  78. --end

  79. ----分区方案

  80. --if exists(select * from sys.partition_schemes where name =@schemeName)

  81. --begin

  82. --print '此处修改需要在修改分区方案之前执行'

  83. --end

  84. --else

  85. --begin

  86. --exec('CREATE PARTITION SCHEME '+@schemeName+' AS PARTITION '+@partFunName+' TO (''PRIMARY'','''+@fileGroupName+''')')

  87. ----print ('CREATE PARTITION SCHEME '+@schemeName+' AS PARTITION '+@partFunName+' TO (''PRIMARY'','''+@fileGroupName+''')')

  88. --print '新创建分区方案'

2. 增加job


  1. declare @date date

  2. set @date= DATEADD(mm,1,getdate())

  3. print @date

  4. exec sp_maintain_partion_fg 'ecodata',@date



