生产环境的MySQL是通过crontab的方式,定时调度热备脚本备份数据。目前是通过XtraBackup软件实现热备。关于热备脚本方面,请查看我原先的博客《使用shell实现mysql自动全备、增备&日志备份》:http://linzhijian.blog.51cto.com/1047212/1891745 ,这里不再展开说明。
drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 9 03:28 mysql01_20170409_023001_full drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 10 03:25 mysql01_20170410_023001_incr drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 11 03:26 mysql01_20170411_023001_incr drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 12 03:25 mysql01_20170412_023001_incr drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 13 03:26 mysql01_20170413_023001_incr drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 14 03:26 mysql01_20170414_023001_incr drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 15 03:27 mysql01_20170415_023001_incr drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 16 03:29 mysql01_20170416_023001_full drwxr-xr-x 18 mysql mysql 4096 Apr 17 03:26 mysql01_20170417_023001_incr
vim dbrecover.sh
#!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "usage: `basename $0` [mysql01|mysql02]" exit 1 fi hostname=$1 today=`date +%Y%m%d` sh /home/mysql/shell/mysql_recover.sh $hostname $today
vim mysql_recover.sh
#!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "usage: `basename $0` [mysql01|mysql02|mysql03] 20170501 " exit 1 fi hostname=$1 #hostname="mysql02" #today=`date +%Y%m%d` today=$2 #week=`date +%w` week=`date -d $today +%w` time1=`date +%s` timestamp=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` logdir="/home/mysql/log/mysqlrecoverlog/$hostname/$timestamp" dir="/mysqlbackup/databak/$hostname/" fullname="$dir/full_backup_file.txt" incrname="$dir/incr_backup_file.txt" datadir=`grep datadir /etc/my.cnf|awk -F \= '{print $NF}'` errlog=`grep log-error /etc/my.cnf|awk -F \= '{print $NF}'` n1="0" ##周几做热备,周一到周六为1~6,周日为0。 n2="6" ##周几最后一次增备,周一到周六为1~6,周日为0。 mkdir $logdir ##创建日志目录 function getdir() { if [ $week -eq "$n1" ] then fulldir=`find /mysqlbackup/databak/${hostname}/ -type d -name "*${today}*full"` #/mysqlbackup/databak/mysql01/mysql01_20170430_023001_full if [ ! -n "$fulldir" ] then echo "the fulldir not exist!!!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log exit 1 fi num=`find /mysqlbackup/databak/${hostname}/ -type d -name "*${today}*full"|wc -l` #/mysqlbackup/databak/mysql01/mysql01_20170429_023001_incr if [ $num -eq "1" ] then echo $fulldir > $fullname else echo "there are not only full dbbackup in $today, please check!!!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log exit 1 fi else incrdir=`find /mysqlbackup/databak/${hostname}/ -type d -name "*${today}*incr"` if [ ! -n "$incrdir" ] then echo "the incrdir not exist!!!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log fi num=`find /mysqlbackup/databak/${hostname}/ -type d -name "*${today}*incr"|wc -l` if [ $num -eq "1" ] then echo $incrdir > $incrname else echo "there are not only incr dbbackup in $today, please check!!!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log exit 1 fi fi } function uncompress() { dir=$1 /usr/bin/innobackupex --decompress --parallel=8 $dir >>$logdir/uncompress_${timestamp}.log 2>&1 success_flag=`cat $logdir/uncompress_${timestamp}.log|grep "completed OK"` if [ -n success_flag ] then echo "$dir decompress sucessfully!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log else echo "$dir decompress failed " >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log exit 1 fi } function full_recover() { fullbakdir=$1 uncompress $fullbakdir /usr/bin/innobackupex --use-memory=2G --apply-log --redo-only $fullbakdir >>$logdir/full_recover_${timestamp}.log 2>&1 success_flag=`cat $logdir/full_recover_${timestamp}.log|grep "innobackupex: completed OK"` if [ -n "$success_flag" ] then echo "the full dbbackup $fullbakdir recovery is success!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log else echo "the full dbbackup $fullbakdir recovery is fail!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log exit 1 fi } function incr_recover() { incrbakdir=$1 fullbakdir=$2 uncompress $incrbakdir uncompress $fullbakdir if [ $week -ne "$n2" ] then /usr/bin/innobackupex --use-memory=2G --apply-log --redo-only --incremental-dir=$incrbakdir $fullbakdir >>$logdir/incr_recover_${timestamp}.log 2>&1 else /usr/bin/innobackupex --use-memory=2G --apply-log --incremental-dir=$incrbakdir $fullbakdir >>$logdir/incr_recover_${timestamp}.log 2>&1 fi success_flag=`cat $logdir/incr_recover_${timestamp}.log|grep "innobackupex: completed OK"` if [ -n "$success_flag" ] then echo "the incr dbbackup $incrbakdir recovery is success!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log else echo "the incr dbbackup $incrbakdir recovery is fail!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log exit 1 fi } function mysqlrecover() { fullbakdir=$1 #uncompress $fullbakdir rm -fr $datadir /bin/ln -s $fullbakdir $datadir chown -R mysql:mysql $datadir chown -R mysql:mysql $fullbakdir /sbin/service mysqld start error_flag=`grep -i error $errlog` if [ -z "$error_flag" ] then echo "the mysqld don't report error, mysql recover is success!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log else echo "the mysqld report error, mysql recover is fail, please check!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log exit 1 fi /sbin/service mysqld stop } getdir if [ $week -eq "$n1" ] then full=`cat $fullname` full_recover $full else incr=`cat $incrname` full=`cat $fullname` incr_recover $incr $full if [ $week -eq "$n2" ] then mysqlrecover $full fi fi time2=`date +%s` times=$((${time2}-${time1})) echo "it takes $times seconds to finish the recover!!!" >> $logdir/recover_${timestamp}.log
cat /etc/my.cnf
[mysqld] datadir=/mysqlbackup/mysql_test socket=/mysqlbackup/mysql_test/mysql.sock user=mysql # Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks symbolic-links=0 [mysqld_safe] log-error=/mysqlbackup/mysql_test/mysqld.log pid-file=/mysqlbackup/mysql_test/mysqld.pid
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 613918 May 4 09:34 incr_recover_20170504092501.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 307 May 4 09:34 recover_20170504092501.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 259310 May 4 09:26 uncompress_20170504092501.log