glodengate下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pLtVTJt 密码:exob
[oracle@oracleogg ~]$ unzip ogg112101_fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_ora11g_64bit.zip
[oracle@oracleogg ~]$ tar xvf fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_ora11g_64bit.tar -C /u01/glodengate/
[oracle@oracleogg ~]$ cd /u01/glodengate/
[oracle@oracleogg glodengate]$ vim ~/.bash_profile
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/
export ORACLE_SID=oracle11g
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/u01/glodengate/lib --必须要设置,否则出错
[oracle@oracleogg glodengate]$ ./ggsci
Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_11.
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:32:14
Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
GGSCI (oracleogg) 1> create subdirs --安装glodengate
Creating subdirectories under current directory /u01/glodengate
Parameter files /u01/glodengate/dirprm: already exists
Report files /u01/glodengate/dirrpt: created
Checkpoint files /u01/glodengate/dirchk: created
Process status files /u01/glodengate/dirpcs: created
SQL script files /u01/glodengate/dirsql: created
Database definitions files /u01/glodengate/dirdef: created
Extract data files /u01/glodengate/dirdat: created
Temporary files /u01/glodengate/dirtmp: created
Stdout files /u01/glodengate/dirout: created
GGSCI (oracleogg) 2>
[oracle@oracleogg glodengate]$ ls -lF | grep '/$' --查看glodengate创建的目录
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 23 2012 cfg/
drwxrwxr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 19:36 dirchk/ --检查点文件
drwxrwxr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 19:36 dirdat/ --extract文件
drwxrwxr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 19:36 dirdef/
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 23 2012 dirjar/
drwxrwxr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 19:36 dirout/
drwxrwxr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 19:36 dirpcs/
drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 23 2012 dirprm/ --参数文件目录
drwxrwxr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 19:36 dirrpt/ --日志文件
drwxrwxr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 19:36 dirsql/ --sql脚本文件
drwxrwxr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Nov 19 19:36 dirtmp/ --临时文件
drwxr-x--- 7 oracle oinstall 4096 Apr 23 2012 UserExitExamples/
[oracle@oracleogg glodengate]$
(2).帮助语法: help 比如:help add rmttrailGGSCI (oracleogg) 3> help add rmttrailADD RMTTRAIL Use ADD RMTTRAIL to create a trail for online processing on a remote system and: * assign a maximum file size. * associate the trail with an Extract group. In the parameter file, specify a RMTHOST entry before any RMTTRAIL entries to identify the remote system and TCP/IP port for the Manager process. Syntax: ADD RMTTRAIL , EXTRACT [, MEGABYTES ] [SEQNO ] The fully qualified path name of the trail. The actual trail name can contain only two characters. Oracle GoldenGate appends this name with a six-digit sequence number whenever a new file is created. For example, a trail named ./dirdat/tr would have files named ./dirdat/tr000001, ./dirdat/tr000002, and so forth. The name of the Extract group to which the trail is bound. Only one Extract process can write data to a trail. MEGABYTES The maximum size, in megabytes, of a file in the trail. The default is 100. SEQNO Specifies that the first file in the trail will start with the specified trail sequence number. Do not include any zero padding. For example, to start at sequence 3 of a trail named "tr," specify SEQNO 3. The actual file would be named /ggs/dirdat/tr000003. This option can be used during troubleshooting when Replicat needs to be repositioned to a certain trail sequence number. It eliminates the need to alter Replicat to read the required sequence number. Example: ADD RMTTRAIL c:\ggs\dirdat\aa, EXTRACT finance, MEGABYTES 200 GGSCI (oracleogg) 4> 3.在source端修改支持supplemental log日志[oracle@oracle11g ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Nov 20 04:18:26 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsSQL> alter database add supplemental log data; Database altered.SQL> alter system switch logfile;System altered.SQL> select supplemental_log_data_min from v$database;SUPPLEME--------YESSQL> 4.在source端和target端创建表空间,用户和测试表(只有source端有测试数据)source节点:SQL> create tablespace wuhan datafile '/u01/oracle/oradata/orac11g/wuhan.dbf' size 100m;Tablespace created.SQL> create user gguser identified by system default tablespace wuhan quota unlimited on wuhan;User created.SQL> grant dba,resource,connect to gguser;Grant succeeded.SQL> conn gguser/systemConnected.SQL> create table t (a number,b char(10));Table created.SQL> insert into t values(1,'a');1 row created.SQL> insert into t values(2,'b');1 row created.SQL> insert into t values(3,'c');1 row created.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL> select * from t; A B---------- ---------- 1 a 2 b 3 cSQL> target节点:SQL> create tablespace wuhan datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracleogg/wuhan.dbf' size 100m;Tablespace created.SQL> create user gguser identified by system default tablespace wuhan quota unlimited on wuhan;User created.SQL> grant dba,resource,connect to gguser;Grant succeeded.SQL> conn gguser/systemConnected.SQL> create table t (a number,b char(10));Table created.SQL> 5.source端和target端启动mgr进程(两个节点都需要做)aource节点:GGSCI (oracle11g) 3> edit params mgr --设置mgr的端口-- port --这个是注释PORT 7809 --指定的端口GGSCI (oracle11g) 4> start mgr --启动mgrManager started.GGSCI (oracle11g) 6> info mgr --查看mgr的状态Manager is running (IP port oracle11g.7809).GGSCI (oracle11g) 7> 6.配置glodengate需要同步的表(source节点)GGSCI (oracle11g) 7> dblogin userid gguser, password systemSuccessfully logged into database.GGSCI (oracle11g) 8> add trandata gguser.t --也可以使用通配符(add trandata gguser.*)2016-11-20 05:32:50 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table 'T'. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.Logging of supplemental redo data enabled for table GGUSER.T.GGSCI (oracle11g) 9> info trandata gguser.*Logging of supplemental redo log data is enabled for table GGUSER.T.Columns supplementally logged for table GGUSER.T: A, B.GGSCI (oracle11g) 10> 7.初使化数据(将source的数据导入到target节点中)source节点:GGSCI (oracle11g) 10> add extract einiaa, sourceistableEXTRACT added.GGSCI (oracle11g) 11> edit params einiaaEXTRACT EINIAAUSERID GGUSER, PASSWORD "system"RMTHOST, MGRPORT 7809RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP RINIAATABLE gguser.t;GGSCI (oracle11g) 12>target节点:GGSCI (oracleogg) 10> add replicat riniaa, specialrunREPLICAT added.GGSCI (oracleogg) 11> edit params riniaaREPLICAT RINIAAASSUMETARGETDEFSUSERID gguser, PASSWORD "system"DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RINIAA.dsc, PURGEMAP gguser.*, TARGET gguser.*;GGSCI (oracleogg) 12>8.启动source节点:GGSCI (oracle11g) 12> start extract einiaaSending START request to MANAGER ...EXTRACT EINIAA startingGGSCI (oracle11g) 13> view report einiaa2016-11-20 05:56:55 INFO OGG-01017 Wildcard resolution set to IMMEDIATE because SOURCEISTABLE is used.*********************************************************************** Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle Version OGGCORE_11. Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:42:16 Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Starting at 2016-11-20 05:56:55***********************************************************************Operating System Version:LinuxVersion #1 SMP Fri Nov 22 03:15:09 UTC 2013, Release 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64Node: oracle11gMachine: x86_64 soft limit hard limitAddress Space Size : unlimited unlimitedHeap Size : unlimited unlimitedFile Size : unlimited unlimitedCPU Time : unlimited unlimitedProcess id: 8706Description: ************************************************************************* Running with the following parameters *************************************************************************2016-11-20 05:56:55 INFO OGG-03035 Operating system character set identified as UTF-8. Locale: en_US, LC_ALL:.EXTRACT EINIAAUSERID GGUSER, PASSWORD ********2016-11-20 05:56:55 INFO OGG-03500 WARNING: NLS_LANG environment variable does not match database character set, or not set. Using database character set value of AL32UTF8.RMTHOST, MGRPORT 7809RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP RINIAATABLE gguser.t;2016-11-20 05:56:56 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table 'T'. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.Using the following key columns for source table GGUSER.T: A, B.2016-11-20 05:56:56 INFO OGG-01815 Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON) anon free: munmap file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED) file free: munmap target directories: /u01/glodengate/dirtmp.CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)CACHESIZE: 64GCACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (normal): 8MPROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min): 128GCACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk): 96GDatabase Version:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionPL/SQL Release - ProductionCORE11. for Linux: Version - ProductionNLSRTL Version - ProductionDatabase Language and Character Set:NLS_LANG = ".AL32UTF8" NLS_LANGUAGE = "AMERICAN" NLS_TERRITORY = "AMERICA" NLS_CHARACTERSET = "AL32UTF8" Processing table GGUSER.T************************************************************************ ** Run Time Statistics ** ************************************************************************Report at 2016-11-20 05:57:15 (activity since 2016-11-20 05:56:56)Output to RINIAA:From Table GGUSER.T: # inserts: 3 # updates: 0 # deletes: 0 # discards: 0REDO Log Statistics Bytes parsed 0 Bytes output 252GGSCI (oracle11g) 14> target节点:GGSCI (oracleogg) 14> view report riniaa --查看日志[oracle@oracleogg glodengate]$ sqlplus gguser/systemSQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Nov 19 22:01:32 2016Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to:Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsSQL> select * from t; A B---------- ---------- 1 a 2 b 3 cSQL> 8.配置用户数据实时更新source节点:GGSCI (oracle11g) 14> add extract eoraaa, tranlog, begin now, threads 1 EXTRACT added.GGSCI (oracle11g) 15> info extract *EXTRACT EORAAA Initialized 2016-11-20 06:17 Status STOPPEDCheckpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:30 ago)Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs 2016-11-20 06:17:37 Thread 1, Seqno 0, RBA 0 SCN 0.0 (0)GGSCI (oracle11g) 16> edit params eoraaaEXTRACT EORAAAUSERID gguser, PASSWORD "system"RMTHOST, MGRPORT 7809RMTTRAIL ./dirdat/aaTABLE gguser.t;GGSCI (oracle11g) 18> add rmttrail ./dirdat/aa, extract eoraaa, megabytes 10RMTTRAIL added.GGSCI (oracle11g) 19> info rmttrail * Extract Trail: ./dirdat/aa Extract: EORAAA Seqno: 0 RBA: 0 File Size: 10MGGSCI (oracle11g) 20> start extract eoraaaSending START request to MANAGER ...EXTRACT EORAAA startingGGSCI (oracle11g) 21> info allProgram Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since ChkptMANAGER RUNNING EXTRACT RUNNING EORAAA 00:00:00 00:00:09 GGSCI (oracle11g) 22> info extract eoraaa, detailEXTRACT EORAAA Initialized 2016-11-20 06:17 Status STOPPEDCheckpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:10:50 ago)Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs 2016-11-20 06:17:37 Thread 1, Seqno 0, RBA 0 SCN 0.0 (0) Target Extract Trails: Remote Trail Name Seqno RBA Max MB ./dirdat/aa 0 0 10 Extract Source Begin End Not Available * Initialized * 2016-11-20 06:17Current directory /u01/glodengateReport file /u01/glodengate/dirrpt/EORAAA.rptParameter file /u01/glodengate/dirprm/eoraaa.prmCheckpoint file /u01/glodengate/dirchk/EORAAA.cpeProcess file /u01/glodengate/dirpcs/EORAAA.pceStdout file /u01/glodengate/dirout/EORAAA.outError log /u01/glodengate/ggserr.logGGSCI (oracle11g) 23> target节点:GGSCI (oracleogg) 14> edit params ./GLOBALS --创建GLOBALS参数后必须退出CHECKPOINTTABLE system.ggchecktable GGSCI (oracleogg) 2> dblogin userid system, password systemSuccessfully logged into database.GGSCI (oracleogg) 3> add checkpointtableNo checkpoint table specified, using GLOBALS specification (system.ggchecktable)...Successfully created checkpoint table system.ggchecktable.GGSCI (oracleogg) 4> add replicat roraaa, exttrail ./dirdat/aaREPLICAT added.GGSCI (oracleogg) 5> edit params roraaaREPLICAT RORAAAUSERID gguser, PASSWORD "system"HANDLECOLLISIONSASSUMETARGETDEFSDISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RORAAA.DSE, PURGEMAP gguser.t, TARGET gguser.t;GGSCI (oracleogg) 8> info allProgram Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since ChkptMANAGER RUNNING REPLICAT RUNNING RORAAA 00:00:00 00:00:05 GGSCI (oracleogg) 9> 9.验证数据实时更新source节点:SQL> select * from t; A B---------- ---------- 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 dSQL> insert into t values(5,'e');1 row created.SQL> commit;Commit complete.SQL> select * from t; A B---------- ---------- 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 eSQL> target节点:SQL> select * from t; A B---------- ---------- 4 d 5 e 1 a 2 b 3 cSQL> 分享题目:oracle11ggoldengate与oracle11g数据同步 转载注明:http://csdahua.cn/article/pcosjs.html 扫二维码与项目经理沟通 我们在微信上24小时期待你的声音 解答本文疑问/技术咨询/运营咨询/技术建议/互联网交流 其他资讯 如何在java控制台中接收数据-创新互联三国群英传三国群英传5秘籍如何用我不会输入举例一下金钱如何?-创新互联go语言中的反射-创新互联python3中内存占用怎么用代码解决-创新互联走进JavaWeb技术世界1:JavaWeb的由来和基础知识-创新互联 行业动态 企业网站建设的重要性! 现在虽然是移动互联网时代,但企业网站依然重要,包含PC站点,移动站。可以说企业网站关系企业的未来发展和前途,尤其对中小企业更是如此,一些中小企业老板,对自己的名片很在乎,因为这是个门面。... 服务项目 网站建设 查看详情 移动端/APP 查看详情 微信/小程序 查看详情 技术支持 查看详情 其它服务 查看详情 更多服务项目 用我们的专业和诚信赢得您的信赖,从PC到移动互联网均有您想要的服务! 获取更多 联系吧 在百度地图上找到我们 电话:13518219792 如遇占线或暂未接听请拨:136xxx98888 业务咨询 技术咨询 售后服务
GGSCI (oracleogg) 3> help add rmttrail
Use ADD RMTTRAIL to create a trail for online processing on a remote
system and:
* assign a maximum file size.
* associate the trail with an Extract group.
In the parameter file, specify a RMTHOST entry before any RMTTRAIL
entries to identify the remote system and TCP/IP port for the Manager
The fully qualified path name of the trail. The actual trail name can
contain only two characters. Oracle GoldenGate appends this name with a
six-digit sequence number whenever a new file is created. For example,
a trail named ./dirdat/tr would have files named
./dirdat/tr000001, ./dirdat/tr000002, and so forth.
The name of the Extract group to which the trail is bound. Only one
Extract process can write data to a trail.
The maximum size, in megabytes, of a file in the trail. The default is
Specifies that the first file in the trail will start with the
specified trail sequence number. Do not include any zero padding. For
example, to start at sequence 3 of a trail named "tr," specify SEQNO 3.
The actual file would be named /ggs/dirdat/tr000003. This option can be
used during troubleshooting when Replicat needs to be repositioned to a
certain trail sequence number. It eliminates the need to alter Replicat
to read the required sequence number.
ADD RMTTRAIL c:\ggs\dirdat\aa, EXTRACT finance, MEGABYTES 200
GGSCI (oracleogg) 4>
3.在source端修改支持supplemental log日志
[oracle@oracle11g ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Nov 20 04:18:26 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
SQL> alter database add supplemental log data;
Database altered.
SQL> alter system switch logfile;
System altered.
SQL> select supplemental_log_data_min from v$database;
SQL> create tablespace wuhan datafile '/u01/oracle/oradata/orac11g/wuhan.dbf' size 100m;
Tablespace created.
SQL> create user gguser identified by system default tablespace wuhan quota unlimited on wuhan;
User created.
SQL> grant dba,resource,connect to gguser;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> conn gguser/system
SQL> create table t (a number,b char(10));
Table created.
SQL> insert into t values(1,'a');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into t values(2,'b');
SQL> insert into t values(3,'c');
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from t;
---------- ----------
1 a
2 b
3 c
SQL> create tablespace wuhan datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oracleogg/wuhan.dbf' size 100m;
GGSCI (oracle11g) 3> edit params mgr --设置mgr的端口
-- port --这个是注释
PORT 7809 --指定的端口
GGSCI (oracle11g) 4> start mgr --启动mgr
Manager started.
GGSCI (oracle11g) 6> info mgr --查看mgr的状态
Manager is running (IP port oracle11g.7809).
GGSCI (oracle11g) 7>
GGSCI (oracle11g) 7> dblogin userid gguser, password system
Successfully logged into database.
GGSCI (oracle11g) 8> add trandata gguser.t --也可以使用通配符(add trandata gguser.*)
2016-11-20 05:32:50 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table 'T'. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.
Logging of supplemental redo data enabled for table GGUSER.T.
GGSCI (oracle11g) 9> info trandata gguser.*
Logging of supplemental redo log data is enabled for table GGUSER.T.
Columns supplementally logged for table GGUSER.T: A, B.
GGSCI (oracle11g) 10>
GGSCI (oracle11g) 10> add extract einiaa, sourceistable
EXTRACT added.
GGSCI (oracle11g) 11> edit params einiaa
TABLE gguser.t;
GGSCI (oracle11g) 12>
GGSCI (oracleogg) 10> add replicat riniaa, specialrun
GGSCI (oracleogg) 11> edit params riniaa
USERID gguser, PASSWORD "system"
MAP gguser.*, TARGET gguser.*;
GGSCI (oracleogg) 12>
GGSCI (oracle11g) 12> start extract einiaa
Sending START request to MANAGER ...
GGSCI (oracle11g) 13> view report einiaa
2016-11-20 05:56:55 INFO OGG-01017 Wildcard resolution set to IMMEDIATE because SOURCEISTABLE is used.
Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle
Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:42:16
Starting at 2016-11-20 05:56:55
Operating System Version:
Version #1 SMP Fri Nov 22 03:15:09 UTC 2013, Release 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64
Node: oracle11g
Machine: x86_64
soft limit hard limit
Address Space Size : unlimited unlimited
Heap Size : unlimited unlimited
File Size : unlimited unlimited
CPU Time : unlimited unlimited
Process id: 8706
** Running with the following parameters **
2016-11-20 05:56:55 INFO OGG-03035 Operating system character set identified as UTF-8. Locale: en_US, LC_ALL:.
2016-11-20 05:56:55 INFO OGG-03500 WARNING: NLS_LANG environment variable does not match database character set, or not set. Using database character se
t value of AL32UTF8.
2016-11-20 05:56:56 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table 'T'. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee u
niqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.
Using the following key columns for source table GGUSER.T: A, B.
2016-11-20 05:56:56 INFO OGG-01815 Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM
anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON) anon free: munmap
file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED) file free: munmap
target directories:
CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)
CACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk): 96G
Database Version:
PL/SQL Release - Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
Database Language and Character Set:
Processing table GGUSER.T
* ** Run Time Statistics ** *
Report at 2016-11-20 05:57:15 (activity since 2016-11-20 05:56:56)
Output to RINIAA:
From Table GGUSER.T:
# inserts: 3
# updates: 0
# deletes: 0
# discards: 0
REDO Log Statistics
Bytes parsed 0
Bytes output 252
GGSCI (oracle11g) 14>
GGSCI (oracleogg) 14> view report riniaa --查看日志
[oracle@oracleogg glodengate]$ sqlplus gguser/system
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Nov 19 22:01:32 2016
GGSCI (oracle11g) 14> add extract eoraaa, tranlog, begin now, threads 1
GGSCI (oracle11g) 15> info extract *
EXTRACT EORAAA Initialized 2016-11-20 06:17 Status STOPPED
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:30 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs
2016-11-20 06:17:37 Thread 1, Seqno 0, RBA 0
SCN 0.0 (0)
GGSCI (oracle11g) 16> edit params eoraaa
RMTTRAIL ./dirdat/aa
GGSCI (oracle11g) 18> add rmttrail ./dirdat/aa, extract eoraaa, megabytes 10
GGSCI (oracle11g) 19> info rmttrail *
Extract Trail: ./dirdat/aa
Extract: EORAAA
Seqno: 0
RBA: 0
File Size: 10M
GGSCI (oracle11g) 20> start extract eoraaa
GGSCI (oracle11g) 21> info all
Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt
EXTRACT RUNNING EORAAA 00:00:00 00:00:09
GGSCI (oracle11g) 22> info extract eoraaa, detail
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:10:50 ago)
Target Extract Trails:
Remote Trail Name Seqno RBA Max MB
./dirdat/aa 0 0 10
Extract Source Begin End
Not Available * Initialized * 2016-11-20 06:17
Current directory /u01/glodengate
Report file /u01/glodengate/dirrpt/EORAAA.rpt
Parameter file /u01/glodengate/dirprm/eoraaa.prm
Checkpoint file /u01/glodengate/dirchk/EORAAA.cpe
Process file /u01/glodengate/dirpcs/EORAAA.pce
Stdout file /u01/glodengate/dirout/EORAAA.out
Error log /u01/glodengate/ggserr.log
GGSCI (oracle11g) 23>
GGSCI (oracleogg) 14> edit params ./GLOBALS --创建GLOBALS参数后必须退出
CHECKPOINTTABLE system.ggchecktable
GGSCI (oracleogg) 2> dblogin userid system, password system
GGSCI (oracleogg) 3> add checkpointtable
No checkpoint table specified, using GLOBALS specification (system.ggchecktable)...
Successfully created checkpoint table system.ggchecktable.
GGSCI (oracleogg) 4> add replicat roraaa, exttrail ./dirdat/aa
GGSCI (oracleogg) 5> edit params roraaa
MAP gguser.t, TARGET gguser.t;
GGSCI (oracleogg) 8> info all
GGSCI (oracleogg) 9>
4 d
SQL> insert into t values(5,'e');
5 e